I have been tagged by my mother in law
Annie, so I guess I have to put 7 radom things about me :)
#1 I love mickey mouse! I even spray painted him on my wall in my new house.
#2 I have a twin sister, in which most of my wierd knitted things are for her lol.
#3 I hate to dress up, I have worn a skirt one day this year, my three year old called it my "pretty dance" and told me to "go in circle" lol (so that it would flare out when you twirl)
#4 My husband and my children are the best gifts in the world
#5 I always have to get my husbands artistic input on my knitting, life just isn't right until I have his opinion.
#6 I'm afraid of the water (lakes, rivers...)
#7 I feel old because my oldest is starting middle school in september lol.
hope thats good enough, I will figure out who to tag later.. gotta feed the zoo!